List of special tax dispensations for MPs
This is simply two lists rather than a proper blog post and it has sat in my ‘drafts’ for a long time. First of special tax dispensations granted to MPs by HMRC followed by a (shorter) list of dispensations refused. All information obtained under FOI in May 2012. The same FOI request was source for the Guardian article: Tax inspectors clash with MPs over expenses.
Dispensations granted:
- Advertising of meetings/surgeries
- Business rates
- Contact cards (business cards for MPs)
- Contents insurance
- Computer hire
- Computer Software
- Constituency office expenses (rent, electricity, gas, other fuel, water, buildings insurance, phone, internet)
- Fax machine hire
- Fax machine purchase
- Government Procurement Cards (GPC)
- Installation/maintenance of office equipment
- Installation of internet access (start up)
- Landline purchase (start up)
- Office alterations (start up)
- Office Costs Expenditure (certain types)
- Recruitment (start up)
- Reward and recognition payments to MPs staff
- Start up expenditure (certain types)
- Subsistence (temporary workplaces)
- Surgery premises hire (for the surgeries MPs hold with their constituents)
- Telephone installation (start up)
- Training for MPs staff (start up)
- Travel (temporary workplaces)
- Website design (start up)
Dispensations refused:
Discussion disabled.
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